Saturday 10 December 2011

Hi, I am Siang. I am the founder of Homebakers Alliance.

(I'm not a serious baker but I'm always believe homebaked foods are always fresher and more natural than those produced in factories.)

My mission is to 
- unite every passionate homebakers in this planet.
- improve the branding and quality of homebaked goods.
- making homebaked foods the preferred choice (compare to factory) by the consumer.

If you are a passionate homebakers, please join us and revolutionize the baking industry. 

Thanks for reading,
Siang (founder / Homebakers Alliance)

(Homebakers Alliance is the perfect platform for passionate homebakers to learn, share, blog, improve and make friends with other bakers.)

1 comment:

  1. I agree. There is nothing better than a homebaked good. You know what your ingredients are and there is so much satisfaction in doing it yourself.
